In 2017, NAFUICO came into existence through the collaborative efforts of the Transkei Funeral Practitioner Association (TRAFPA), Octomate and Diaspora Kapita.The primary objective was to establish an investment holding company with the intention of generating diverse revenue streams for funeral parlours and fostering the growth of intergenerational wealth. Although NAFUICO was initially funded by contributions from these founding entities, its current shareholder base encompasses funeral parlours throughout South Africa.
Why Join Us
We aspire to revolutionize the insurance sector by ensuring that funeral parlours extract value from every aspect of the funeral services value chain.
Our Initiatives:
• Succession Planning
• Franchise Opportunities with 21st Century Life
• Collaborative Ventures with 21st Century Life
• Underwriting Services
• Business Advisory Services
• Efficient Payment Collections
• Advanced Insurance Administration System
• Strategic Funding Support
We believe in shared value, either partnering with Insurance Companies, that believe in the transformation of the industry or other partners that are looking at serving retail market.